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Hydro International

Hydro International’s water and wastewater products are designed to increase the operational efficiency of water processing equipment used in wastewater, clean water, industrial, and agricultural treatment applications.

Unprotected plant process equipment faces reduced operational efficiency until the processes have to be shut down to remove nuisance materials such as grit and coarse materials. Hydro International’s systems are designed to provide the highest level of efficiency with minimal maintenance, energy, and operational requirements.

Eutek Headcell

A unique stacked tray design provides the surface area required for outstanding performance with a small footprint. The Eutek HeadCell® is the ultimate grit removal solution for new plants as well as a cost effective retrofit option for grit removal upgrades.

Grit King

The Grit King® is an advanced hydrodynamic separator that augments gravitational forces to separate grit from water. The Grit King® is an economical choice for new or existing municipal or industrial wastewater applications.

Eutek SlurryCup

The Eutek SlurryCup™ is extremely effective at washing grit captured at the preliminary treatment stage by the grit channel, aerated grit chamber, vortex grit collector, or grit separator. The Eutek SlurryCup™ minimizes organic content which reduces objectionable odors and reduces the volume hauled to landfill. The Eutek SlurryCup™ meets the challenges of separating and classifying grit as small as 75 micron (200 mesh).

Eutek TeaCup

The Eutek TeaCup® is a high performance accelerated gravity grit removal system for smaller plants. An assortment of Eutek TeaCup® sizes or multiple Eutek TeaCup® units can be used to accommodate many flow ranges.

Eutek Grit Snail

Municipal wastewater plants with combined sewers or industrial loads will require greater dewatering capacity. Different sizes of Eutek Grit Snail® units, or multiple Eutek Grit Snail® units can be configured to match any grit load.

Hydro-Sludge Screen

The Hydro-Sludge® Screen is a horizontal in-line coarse material separator comprising an inlet screening zone and a pressing (compacting) zone. The coarse material retained on the stainless steel inner screen surface, is transported to the stainless steel pressing zone and onward to the outlet by an Archimedean screw.

If you would like more information on managing grit in wastewater treatment, please contact us and we will connect you with our  grit removal specialist servicing your area.